Shane recommends Konoba Izvor just outside Split in Zrnovnica. 4. Sinj. A little more inland from Split, but it sounds like it is worth the effort to get to Restaurant Premijer. 3. Dubrovnik ... While we are waiting, an overview of retaurants from Natasa can be found here, as can more info on the following resturants - Nautika, Lokanda-Peskarija, Arsenal, Hotel Argentine, Hotel Neptun, Maestoso, Mimoza, Orhan, Pegola, Poklisar, the romantic setting at Labrint, and Wanda. ...
La citt? vanta il costante e salubre clima mediterraneo caratterizzato dall'inverno mite e piacevole e dall'estate calda e soleggiata, rinfrescata dalla brezza del mare. Nonostante i giorni estivi sono soleggiati, le temperature non ...
therefore colour thrown into cetina will appear in springs studenci, jadro, and zrnovnica. as can be seen, cetina is a very complex system of hydrological relations and laws. the cetina's formation and intricate underground connections ...